Ranked 49th out of 16,783 in The Sunday Times Parent Power league tables of the best primary schools in England. The ranking is based upon average scores in English, grammar and maths.



At Latchmere School, we are committed to providing a nurturing and inclusive learning environment for all our students. We promote an atmosphere of encouragement, acceptance and respect for effort and achievements with sensitivity to the individual needs of all children. We believe that every child deserves the best possible educational experience and the necessary support to reach their full potential. Every teacher is a teacher of children with special educational needs. Your child’s class teacher will take responsibility for the daily provision for your child and will be supported and advised by the SENCo.


We firmly believe that most children’s needs can be effectively met through quality first teaching, ensuring that every child has equal access to a high-quality education. Our dedicated and skilled teaching staff employ a range of effective teaching strategies to create an inclusion classroom environment. This includes differentiated instruction, adapted learning, clear established routines, use of visuals and classroom adaptations. All classes use visual timetables to build predictability into the school day. The Zones of Regulation are also implemented across the school to support children to recognise, understand and regulate their emotions and behaviours.


While quality first teaching forms the foundation of our provision, we understand that some students may require additional support beyond the universal strategies. In such cases, students are identified and added to our Special Educational Needs (SEN) register. This process involves: identification and assessment, including observations; developing individual SEN support plans with specific targets, interventions and strategies designed to meet a child’s needs; and regularly monitoring and reviewing the effectiveness of the support provided. Your child’s progress will be discussed in a parent meeting and targets agreed with yourself at least 3 times per year. We actively involve our students as well as parents/carers to be part of this process.


It is possible for children to transition off the school SEN register if their needs have evolved and can be successfully met through quality first teaching without the need for specialised interventions.


Our commitment to inclusive education extends to the involvement of parents/carers, external professionals and the wider school community. We value partnerships and work closely with all stakeholders to ensure the best possible outcomes for our students. Our dedicated and experienced staff members are committed to implementing supportive strategies whenever they believe they will be beneficial for a child. We do not wait for a formal diagnosis to provide provision as we understand that early intervention and individualised support are key to helping children succeed.


Topaz is our Specialist Resource Provision (SRP). It was opened in September 2008 and expanded in September 2018. The SRP is for children who have Social Communication Needs, including high-functioning Autism. Topaz offers 14 spaces across the school, usually two per year group. Places are not allocated by the school. A Local Authority Panel decides on place allocation and children are presented to the panel by professionals that already know them. Children enrolled at Latchmere do not take priority for a place in the SRP. Most children in the SRP join in Reception and remain in Topaz until the end of Year 6; it is unusual for spaces to become available in other year groups.


You are the expert about your child and if you are concerned that they have special educational needs, we encourage you to come and share your concerns with the class teacher. Similarly, if we identify difficulties, we will want to discuss them with you and our SENCo as soon as possible so that we can act together to respond to the needs of your child.

 The six focus areas in the Latchmere Academy Trust Inclusion Charter are reflected upon daily in the classroom to ensure all pupils can fully participate and succeed. 

To view the Inclusion Policy please visit the policies section.


SEND Local Offer

For more information on all that we offer children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities here at Latchmere, please download our full SEND Local Offer below: