Ranked 49th out of 16,783 in The Sunday Times Parent Power league tables of the best primary schools in England. The ranking is based upon average scores in English, grammar and maths.

Attendance and Holidays

Parents of children of compulsory school age (i.e. the term following their 5th birthday), have a legal responsibility to ensure that they attend school regularly and punctually. Our expectation is that all Reception children will attend full-time i.e. from 8.50 am until 3.20 pm (KS1) or 3.30 pm (KS2) from the start of the academic year. This equates to a minimum of 32.5 hours per week. 

There is a legal requirement also for the school to account for all absences. If your child is absent, we need to know why so we ask you to telephone us on 020 8546 7181 (option 1) or email us at attendance@latchmereschool.org before 9.10 am on the first day of absence, unless leave has been requested in advance.

If we do not hear from you we will contact you via our ParentPay messaging system to ask for the reason for absence. The Department for Education is specific on the subject of absences, which are either authorised or unauthorised by the school.

Reasons for authorised absence are:

  • religious observance
  • medical appointments (with verification, if necessary)
  • any absence that is unavoidable can be authorised by the school
For an absence to be authorised, the school has to be satisfied with the parents’ explanation. Except for illness and medical / dental appointments, all absences need to be requested from the school. Children who have appointments and will return later in the day, need to be recorded at the office on exit and entry.

Please click below to see our absence request form:-
At the end of the year, the total number of absences both authorised and unauthorised will be shown on your child’s Record of Achievement.

It is particularly important that all children attend school regularly for the first seven weeks of the summer term. During this time, the progress of the children is assessed using standardised assessment tasks and tests. Assessing a class of 30 children on a wide range of skills and knowledge is a very complex task. We timetable the tests very carefully so that children are not over-tired and can do their best work. Whenever possible, children work on the tests or tasks in small groups. If a child is absent during the assessment period the tests still have to be carried out at a later time.

A directive from central government states that schools are not allowed to authorise absence for holidays during term time; therefore a child’s absence from school for a family holiday will be unauthorised. We hope you will endeavour to keep any planned absences for your child within the school holidays.